ATGF Named Best SME Alternative Investment Fund

ATGF Named Best SME Alternative Investment FundWealth & Finance International has named the Advance Trade Growth Fund (ATGF) to its Best SME Alternative Investment Fund list. According to Wealth & Finance, the 2015 Fund Awards recognize forward thinking professionals, who have orchestrated and implemented exceptional strategies and gained results for their clients. The 2015 Awards give credit to businesses, departments and individuals who are setting the pace in the alternative investment area.

The awards pay tribute to the best of the best and the most groundbreaking, forward thinking and client-friendly businesses. The judges were not concerned with a firm’s size or reputation, but rather with the things they have done to change the financial landscape. The list includes some of the biggest and most influential names in the business landscape with some of the most innovative small businesses operating anywhere in the world. AGC is honored to be among them.

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