From Small Businesses to Economic Drivers

From Small Businesses to Economic Drivers

Key Details

Our fund track record shows that we can deliver meaningful impact without sacrificing financial returns. Consistently, we’ve reinforced our fund’s achievements through a cultivated narrative of commitment to SMEs – uniting their impactful stories alongside our investment successes.

Throughout 2023, we explored the triumphs of women-led businesses, gained insight from evidence that our funding has driven growth and created value within their communities. Leading the efforts necessary to address SMEs working capital needs, and at times alongside some of our investors, our Co-CEO, Sudha Bharadia, engaged with small businesses on the ground and in countries such as Chile, Uganda, Colombia and Romania to gather the facts about our social impact.

The hardships for women-led SMEs have always been consistent and clear – limited access to working capital, restrictive barriers based on gender, and inadequate financing systems, are the key obstacles most of these small businesses were up against. Yet, despite these challenges, the resilience among SMEs paired with our reliable and flexible funding support, meant that they were able to sustain businesses, and ultimately become an economic driver of change.

Carnaval de Barranquilla

Through invoice financing, I’m able to pay farmers on time, which has gone a long way in terms of securing stock for my customers — supermarkets. The financing has given our business the momentum to take on more farmer suppliers by bridging the credit cash deficit

– Uganda

AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with Confecciones el Industrial

At AGC, we take pride in being a part of a journey that empowers SMEs. As they overcame obstacles to reach their full potential, this ripple effect was felt throughout their local financial ecosystems. 2023 proved to be a year where we were able to finance over 13,000 small businesses resulting in the creation of over 100,000 jobs. These outcomes demonstrated how our financing made a difference while underscoring the measurable value of female leadership within small businesses. In our 2023 Impact Report, we highlight 44% of our SMEs were women-led.[1] 28% reported they implement gender equity initiatives, some of which included prioritizing the hiring of women, particularly those from single-income households, as well as the adoption of policies aimed at eliminating gender discrimination and promoting corporate social responsibility.[2]

[AGC’s partner] has helped us to finance the purchase of machinery and also helps us pay our staff and suppliers on time

– Chile

[AGC’s partner] provided critical access to financing at a time when there was no way to get funding from banks

– N. Macedonia

Filgud product from Romania
Filgud product from Romania

We value the importance of communicating the track record of our fund, therefore it has also been critical that we demonstrate the visible outcomes through the impact stories we deliver. Here, the tangible evidence of the barriers these SMEs triumph over are told; truly illustrating how instrumental AGC has been in growing local financial ecosystems. To explore more on how we work to inject hope into local communities worldwide, visit our Impact at a Glance.

[1]AGC survey conducted in the first half of 2024. N=681 (40 NBFI Partners and 641 SMEs). Data reflects outcomes reported in 2023 unless otherwise noted.

[2]AGC estimate based on latest impact survey result multiplied by number of entities at the end of 2023. Copyright © 2024 Advance Global Capital, Ltd.

Alignment to Global Sustainability Standards

We are closely aligned with United Nations Sustainability Goals 5, 8, 9 and 10

Sustainable Development Goals
Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
SME Impact Stories

Making a difference

Latest: 2023 Impact Report

Our seventh annual impact report summarizes how we have been utilizing capital to benefit our valued investors, partners, and local communities across the globe. Our comprehensive report examines the outcomes and achievements of our commitment to driving positive change and empowering small businesses.

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Alignment to Global Sustainability Standards

We are closely aligned with United Nations Sustainability Goals 5, 8, 9 and 10

Sustainable Development Goals
Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
AGC News

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