Unveiling Impact through Chilean Communities

Following the success of our recent Colombian SME roadshow, we held our second event on November 21st and 22nd 2023 in Santiago, Chile. Over the course of two days, we had the honour of organizing a field trip for select investors. They visited our partners and some of the core Chilean SMEs, witnessing firsthand the direct impact of their capital in supporting these enterprises and nurturing the local economy.

Exploring the real-world effects of our investments was crucial. Engaging with small business owners, we learned firsthand about their working capital challenges, recognizing our fund as a vital bridge fostering sustained growth.

– AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia

AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Smart Snack, investor, and partner
AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Smart Snack, investor, and partner

By utilizing investor capital, we can successfully accomplish:

Providing much needed access to finance: SMEs face significant challenges when dealing with short-term working capital constraints, which can determine the success or failure of their business. The trip allowed our investors to witness the truly transformative impact of their capital on these businesses, both visually and through firsthand accounts.

Encouragement of innovation: the SMEs we visited have unique and novel back stories – from the factory producing snacks full of superfoods through to the technology for internal pipe repairs. Each SME we visited had their own fascinating reasons for going into business in the first place.

Strengthening quality of life: All the SMEs hire capable individuals, enhancing the well-being and prospects of both their employees and their families


AGC’s partner and investor
AGC’s partner and investor


AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Preu PDV, investor, and partner
AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Preu PDV, investor, and partner


AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Clinica Universidad de los Andes, investor, and partner
AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Clinica Universidad de los Andes, investor, and partner


AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Vespek, investor, and partner
AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Vespek, investor, and partner


AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Forjados, investor, and partner
AGC’s Co-CEO Sudha Bharadia with our SME Forjados, investor, and partner


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We are closely aligned with United Nations Sustainability Goals 5, 8, 9 and 10

Sustainable Development Goals
Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
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