Research on Millennials and Impact

In researching our article on Next Generation Investors: Values and Value, we uncovered a treasure trove of research about attitudes and actions by Millennials related to impact. Created in partnership with the Case Foundation and research by Achieve, the web site: tracks the next generation as donors and activists.

Now that Millennials have become the largest generational cohort in the US and the largest in the workplace, their attitudes and behaviors will influence policy, markets, and be a force for change. Whether you are reaching out to Millennials as potential clients, employees, or want to better understand the motivations of family members, the site is enlightening.

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Alignment to Global Sustainability Standards

We are closely aligned with United Nations Sustainability Goals 5, 8, 9 and 10

Sustainable Development Goals
Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
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